Building strong culture

Stronger Culture With Happier Employees Creates Better Results. 


Tallmätaregatan 1, 218 38 Bunkeflostrand – Sweden
DK: +4560209335 & SE:+46735015009


Explore our products to learn more about your insurance options, and receive a quote within minutes.


Explore our products to learn more about your insurance options, and receive a quote within minutes.


Explore our products to learn more about your insurance options, and receive a quote within minutes.


Explore our products to learn more about your insurance options, and receive a quote within minutes.

We’ve got you covered

With our modern approach to insurance, there’s never been a more comfortable way to protect yourself. Join the United family and start living a stress-free life.

Building strong cultures

Patrick Sackner Christensen

Tallmätaregatan 1, 21838 Bunkeflostrand – SE Tlf. +4560209335

“Insurance used to scare me. But that all changed thanks to United! They make everything easy to understand and use!”

Diane Jones

Happy customers

“The best insurance company I’ve worked with! Not only is everything so simple, but they have the best rates in the industry.”

Carl Correa

“Talk about a cool Insruance company! Everything is online and if you do need to speak to someone for help, it’s like talking to a friend!”

Leonie Vega

the key to success

Practice Areas

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family law
drug crimes
tax law
legal advice

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