
15FQ+ maintains the breadth of the original 16 personality factors

The 15FQ+ measures the fundamental building blocks of personality.

in-depth assessment of the full sphere of human personality

What Is 15FQ+

Based on an extensively researched model, the 15FQ+ provides an in-depth assessment of the full sphere of human personality. It has been developed to ensure culture and gender fairness and has been adapted into over 20 languages.

Building on the most current research, the 15FQ+ maintains the breadth of the original 16 personality factors first identified by Raymond B Cattell. It sets new standards for reliability and validity.

The 15FQ+ measures the fundamental building blocks of personality. These provide insight into how people typically think, feel and interact in ways that may be productive or counter-productive for your organisation.

A great Five Factor tool (OCEAN) that generates profile charts and in depth expert narrative reports for decision-making and feedback.




Having been completed by hundreds of thousands of people worldwide, the 15FQ+ is supported by an extensive evidence base attesting to its reliability, validity and culture fairness. It provides an in-depth assessment of a person’s strengths and development needs and is a powerful tool enabling you to select the right person for key positions in your organisation.

Use For:

Selection, individual and team development, coaching and guidance.

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