Thank you for taking time reading about me. Let me know if you have any questions or wishes you like to discuss.
Here is a little about me:
I am today living in Bunkeflostrand, Sweden. I am living here with my wife, Jenny Sackner Christensen who is a former elite horse rider – together we have two beautiful sons Charles & Cedric.
The last 15 years I have been working with people development within high performance attitude and believe that great results come through dedication, motivation and fun. In 2014 I started my own company Sales4Winners, later Sackner Consulting and while doing so I also started to work more independently with sports.
I have been a Professional Head Coach in swimming for 6 years with the responsibility of 1200 members. In that time we developed some of the best swimmers in Denmark and most talented people in Europe. Among others Josefine Kruse, former Danish National Junior record holder and Alexander Aslak Nørgaard who is Danish National Record holder, Finalist at the Worlds 2019 and Qualified for the Olympics.
Academic educations
As an athlete
I have been on the youth and junior national team in swimming, international medals in triathlon (youth groups), part of a patrol unit in the National Guard, licensed bikerider and trained Muay Thai just to mentioned some of it.
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